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If you wonder if energy healing, scanning, treatments, and other similar practices are permissible according to Scripture, please read this entire article.

Some of you are looking for supernatural healing in the wrong book.

I’m Amy Guenther, and you may know me from Torah Sisters and Torah Sisters Magazine. I keep Torah and follow Yeshua as the Messiah. I am not Jewish. I’m just doing Bible things in Bible ways, trying to be like my Savior.

About halfway through this post, I’ll share evidence and red flags that energy healing and other similar practices are off-limits, according to Scripture. But first, please, please, please read the other things I say about the matter. Don’t just skip to the reasons. (Sorry this ended up being so long. Good grief, I know!)


About Torah Sisters

I’m posting this on this new website because it’s controversial and doesn’t apply to everyone. I told the Torah Sisters community it would be a place of shalom and controversy-free.

I do not plan to talk about this in Torah Sisters Magazine, at the Retreat, on my Torah Sisters blog, or on my Torah Sisters YouTube channel. I suppose Yahweh could change my mind on this, but I have no intention of talking about this on my Torah Sisters’ properties. I will only share the link to this post so Torah Sisters know it’s here. It will be up to them if they come here to read it.

The folks I’m affiliated with do not necessarily agree with what I write in this article and on this website. They include advertisers, speakers, contributors, conferences I speak at, friends, acquaintances, fellowships, etc. I am expressing my views only.


My purpose with this

My purpose is to let the Torah-keeping world see that not everyone thinks participating in energy healing practices is permissible according to Scripture.

  • This is an introduction to this side of the issue to get you thinking.
  • This is not an entire study on this topic.
  • Read this with your Bible open. Don’t skip the Bible passages.
  • There’s much more Scripture about this to find on your own.
  • I do not have time to answer every objection or question you may have.
  • If you are struggling with something I said, study and make your own conclusions. I pray they line up with Scripture. See 2 Tim. 2:15.
  • If you want me to hear something from you, email me at
  • There’s a good chance I won’t answer your email. I don’t have time to address what everyone wants me to address. I will read your email
  • I’m eager to move away from this topic and return to focusing on the positive things I do at Torah Sisters. This has been hard to write.
  • The Bible tells me to protect and defend the weak and oppressed. People who are suffering are being charged money to get relief from their suffering from occult practices and being told unbiblical things. Worse, is that they are being given hope in a practice that goes against the Word of Yahweh, Who they love and serve. I pray this information helps to release them from that oppression.


What is this article about?

I will speak against practices that are not permissible in Torah.

Some of the names they go by include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Energy system
  • Bioenergetics
  • Life energy
  • Scanning, especially remote scanning
  • Infusing light information
  • Touchpoints for healing
  • Frequency healing
  • Digital body analysis (in most cases. It’s often very vague.)
  • Chakra
  • Reiki
  • Energy lines, meridians
  • Manifestation
  • Information-infused crystals
  • Healing frequencies, including music
  • Divination – Asking the body questions
  • Qi/chi
  • Varying kinds of numerology, seeking to make things correlate with Biblical numbers or names
  • Kabbalah energy healing
  • Variations of any of the above, but with Bible-ish words mixed in, which is literal “mixing.”


In a nutshell

In a nutshell, Yahweh created everything, both natural and supernatural. But Yahweh did not give us access to all of his supernatural creation. That’s why the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was off-limits. Satan knows ways for us to access supernatural off-limits things in off-limits ways. Satan gave humans knowledge of how to access the off-limits parts of the spiritual and supernatural creation. That access is called pagan, occult practices.

The pagans learned how to do things that God said were off-limits. They weren’t counterfeiting. They were the first. God made the supernatural realm, but the pagans, led by Satan, created unauthorized access to it.  The discussion is not about the supernatural realm. The discussion is about the desire (and legality) of having access to it. 

An incident does not create a precedent. Just because you see something supernatural being performed in the Bible, it doesn’t mean all Believers are permitted to do it, especially with pagan practices. 

Some people in our Torah Community today are using various methods of that pagan unauthorized access and wrapping it up in a Bible-ish-sounding package and selling it to others to join in. This is wrong.

It’s just one pagan occult practice counterfeiting another pagan occult practice but claiming it’s from Yahweh and Moses. No, the pagans learned it from demons. 

People keep telling me, “Amy, you just have to read his book. Then you’ll see it’s true.”

I am reading The Book. That’s how I know it’s not true!


If you agree with me, what should you do?

  1. Tell others! The Internet is full of people who promote occult energy systems as good. What if many of us started filling the Internet saying it’s not good? Help me show new Torah Keepers that we don’t all agree with this. Stick to the facts. Criticize ideas, practices, and interpretations of the Scriptures. Don’t attack or criticize people. Criticize ideas. See Eph. 6:12.
  2. If you have an online presence, please use it! I doubt I’m the only one being prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak out about this. (I’m nobody special.) If you, too, are being prompted by the Spirit, now might be a good time to obey. (But not because of me; only obey the Spirit, not me.) See Eph. 5:11.
  3. I’d love to see people who have promoted this practice remove any promotion of it. That might mean removing videos, blog posts, links, podcasts, book recommendations, etc. We should all be evaluating what we have promoted in the past, even if it’s just on our social media. We all make mistakes and change our minds sometimes. It’s okay. Clean out the leaven and move on. All will be well. See 1 Cor. 5:8.
  4. Be well-armed. Now, more than ever, we all need to be in the Word. See Ephesians 6:10-13.
  5. If you’re practicing it, repent. Then move on. All will be well. Don’t let the Enemy or people hold it over you and keep you in a place of shame or guilt. See 1 John 1:9.
  6. If you have evil spirits in your life, get help. See Matt 12:43-45.
  7. Pray for elders of congregations, leaders of homes, and for strong marriages. Bringing sin into a marriage, family, home, or congregation causes strife.


The practice is growing.

There is nothing new under the sun. Satan has always been trying to infiltrate Yah’s people by blurring the lines between pagan practices and Yah’s holy Torah.

 “When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God, for these nations, which you are about to dispossess, listen to fortune-tellers and to diviners. But as for you, the Lord your God has not allowed you to do this.” Deuteronomy 18:9-14


“Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:19-23 


The practice of energy healing, diagnosing, and manipulation has been around for thousands of years. It’s nothing new, even though people try to wrap it up to sell it in an attractive package. It did NOT originate from Moses or the Bible. Access to the supernatural/spiritual realm like this is not found anywhere in Scripture.

This practice has gained a more significant foothold in the past five years among many in the Torah-keeping community. I looked into it five years ago when I started seeing good, God-fearing people participate in it, and it was clear back then that it was wrong. I did not voice my concerns in a public way. I thought it would go away.

Instead, I’ve only seen its practice and promotion grow. It’s been promoted on numerous public platforms and shows no signs of stopping or slowing down. I regret not saying something public five years ago. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you to those who have already spoken up about this. I can see that it takes courage.

I did not address this because I feared hurting people’s feelings. I’m still afraid of hurting feelings, but this must be said. I’m concerned for those participating in this and for their children. I’m concerned for those curious about it, looking for information, and finding little or nothing against it. So they assume we all think it’s okay. I’m most concerned that folks new to Torah believe we all do this.

I believe a great harvest is coming from people coming to the Torah, and it’s not a coincidence that they will see this practice front and center in our community. They need to be presented with another view of it from Scripture.

A lot of the people participating in this are good, God-fearing people. While this practice creates openings for demons to enter one’s life, home, and family, it doesn’t mean that happens in every case. That is not for me to judge. There are varying degrees of participation. Each case is unique.

Also, I won’t name names, ministries, or businesses. Multiple variations of this practice come from multiple places, including the mainstream Christian world.


What’s the real issue?

I think all Torah keepers know that sorcery, divination, and witchcraft are prohibited in the Torah. The question is this: Is using energy for scanning, diagnosing, treating, and healing a form of sorcery, divination, or witchcraft? I say, yes, it is. Manipulating that kind of energy is off-limits for believers.


Should I be quiet because this is divisive?

No, not on this issue. I don’t have to be silent about this merely because it’s divisive. I’m not silent about why Christians should keep the Torah. I’m not silent about how Christmas ought not to be observed. Why should I be silent about this? 

There is a place, time, and way to approach this, but silence is unnecessary. I will not go up to people and just start telling them how wrong they are. I don’t even ask people if they do this. I will just put it out there and let Yah put it in front of who He wants to see it. I don’t bring this up at in-person fellowship unless directly asked, which almost never happens. It’s none of my business who does this.


Do I lack humility?

Having an interpretation that differs from someone else and saying so aloud does not lack humility. I could be wrong on this issue, so I will read every email. So far, I have found no evidence that this is Biblical. And I’ve watched hours and hours of teachings about it.

This is a lot like when I came to Torah. People told me that I was arrogant then, too. I have found that whenever someone interprets sin differently, the word “arrogant” gets thrown around. We must be slow to be offended and quick to forgive.

I don’t speak up on very many controversial matters. But this one is worth speaking up about. People are bringing this into their homes and congregations. Children could be harmed. The Body of Messiah can be harmed. It’s dangerous. 

I am not better than anyone. I have sinned, too. Let’s be real. 

Remember, it has taken me five years to finally say something publicly. Five years!


My Boundaries

If I were to encounter these practices, I would have boundaries. I may change these in the future. Some people are stricter or more lenient with their boundaries than I am. These are my boundaries as of  now:

  • I won’t allow it to be practiced or promoted within my home, across my threshold. See. Deut. 6:9.
  • I won’t allow anyone to practice or promote it within my gates or on my property.
  • When I host an event and rent a venue, that becomes an extension of my gates since I am responsible for what happens during the event. So, I won’t let anyone practice or promote it at my events, like my retreat.
  • I won’t allow it to be practiced or promoted at my campsite at Sukkot or another event.
  • If it’s being practiced or promoted in close proximity to me or my children, I will move my children and myself away without making a scene.
  • I won’t consume or use anything infused or treated with “energy,” “light,” or “frequency.” I and my children won’t drink water infused with this “information light.” The very websites that sell the light call it “magic.” I would instead bring my own food and water. Be careful where you source supplements and other products. A distributor should be upfront and transparent about what practices they perform on their products before they give it to you. To me, this is like food sacrificed to idols. I wish such products had a warning label so people who don’t want to consume them are aware that they have been treated with the “light information.”
  • I won’t let people involved in these practices lay hands on me or my children or be in a chain of people laying on hands who practice this or with people I don’t know very well.


Reasons to Run From Energy Occult Practices

Let’s look at several reasons why believers should have nothing to do with the occult practice of energy healing, diagnosing, and manipulation.

These are listed in no particular order. This is also not an entire list. There’s a lot more information out there. Search for it. I’m not going to devote much more time to this. This is just to get you thinking, questioning, and searching the Scriptures.


Sorcery in the End Times

We should be on the lookout for sorcery and practices that are off-limits because Scripture says sorcery will be more abundant and deceptive in the end times. Many of us believe Yeshua is coming soon, so we should be extra careful to watch for deceptions of sorcery more than ever. It should not surprise us that it has infiltrated our Torah community. See Revelation 18:23, 2 Thes. 2:9, Micah 3, 1 Tim. 4:1-2, Rev. 12:3-4, Acts 20:28-31. 


Don’t do it because the Lost Tribes did it!

If a practice is being promoted as Biblical, and one of the reasons is because it came from the lost tribes, that is enough to make me run in the other direction. The Lost Tribes were punished and exiled because of their pagan practices. Why would anyone desire to mimic any of the behaviors of the punished tribes?

See Jeremiah 3, 2 Kings 17, Micah 3, Ezekiel 12-13.

Even in the New Testament, we read about exiled Israel coming to faith and having to get rid of their sorcery. See Acts 19:18-19, Galatians 5:19-21.


Dressing it up in Bible lingo doesn’t make it Bible.

Beware of occult practices that have origins in paganism but are promoted with new Biblical lingo. It’s the same ancient pagan practices with new names and variations. Energy healing systems are never shown in Scripture. It’s not in the Bible. Let me say that again: It’s not in the Bible.

If someone says their practice is from God, but it’s not in the Bible, run! Especially if they claim it’s Biblical! It’s one thing to say something is permissible, but if they are going a step further and saying that God wants you to do it, yet it’s not in Scripture, run! See Deuteronomy 4:2.

And no, I’m not going into all the history of energy occult practices. Research. It’s better if you find and learn it yourself.

It’s similar to the Christmas issue. “Is it really that pagan?”  Yes, it is.

“Did God really say?” 


“But, Amy, it works, and it helped me.”

First, I want you to know I am so sorry if you are suffering. I do not want anyone to suffer from illness, injury, or pain. But still, the Bible says some things are off-limits. Just because a forbidden practice helps in some way doesn’t make it permissible. 

The fact that it has helped some people is a big red flag. Where did that power come from? Demons have powers and can do wonders. 

Energy systems are being promoted as “It works. Therefore, it’s from God and must be okay.” No, no, no. Just because it works does not mean it’s from Yahweh.

Look in the Bible to see when wonders were done yet aren’t from Yahweh. See Exodus 7:8-10, 2 Thes 2:9, Matthew 24:24, 1 John 4:1. There are lots more passages. Search.

And if you think Satan wouldn’t use his powers in a healing sort of way, read 2 Corinthians 11:14. Satan isn’t always mean to people. He can be nice to you. That’s how he deceives.

Another possibility that cannot be ignored is that the results may be due to coincidence, changing diet or supplements, placebo effect, hopeful outlook, and more. You might feel better, but that doesn’t mean it’s due to God approving occult-energy practices.

It’s terrible to suffer. But that doesn’t make it okay to engage in sin. I won’t eat unclean meat to save my life if I’m starving. That is the real Daniel diet. Obey the Torah, no matter what. Then, see if you get a genuine miracle from Yahweh! I pray that you do and your suffering is relieved!


The practice takes the place of the Holy Spirit.

Any practice that replaces the work of the Holy Spirit should raise a huge occult red flag. Some of these practices involve diagnosing your sin. They diagnose greed, unforgiveness, and so on. Conviction should not come from a machine. 

And yes, sometimes the machine can be right. That should scare you.

The Holy Spirit convicts us through Scripture, prayer, your spouse, elders, etc. You don’t need a machine with a database to see your sin.


Just because God made it doesn’t mean we get to tinker with it.

People who say, “Well, God made it, so it must be okay for us to tinker around with it,” do not know Torah well. 

I’ve been asked several times, “Well, Amy, do you believe there is energy?” Yes, there is energy, of course. Some forms of energy exist in the physical realm, and we can tinker with them, like electricity and cell phones, which work with digital communication (explainable binary code), and so on.

But some energy exists in a spiritual realm, like the breath of life that God breathed into mankind. And the occult has always been tinkering in the spiritual realm. But it’s off-limits for Yahweh’s people.

This mystical energy is nothing like a cell phone.

Just because something exists and we can access it doesn’t mean we are allowed to.

Want examples of Bible things in the spiritual realm that we technically can but aren’t allowed to access?

  • We can talk to the dead, but it’s off-limits. See Lev. 19:31, 1 Sam. 28:5-19.
  • The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was supernatural; they could eat it, but it was off-limits. See Genesis 3. 
  • Divination and sorcery are possible but off-limits. See Deut. 18.
  • Fortune telling is possible but off-limits. See Lev. 19-20.

The only spiritual tinkering that is allowed is praying. To access supernatural power, pray. And yes, the Biblical way of laying on of hands and the spiritual gift of healing are forms of prayer, where the glory and power come straight from the Almighty. (There are other spiritual gifts, too.)

Other things that we can tinker around with but should not include cloning, abortion, gender, and weather manipulation. I could go on and on.

Just because God made it and you can manipulate it doesn’t mean you’re permitted to do so.

If a promotion for these practices defends it with “God made it, so we can do what we want with it,” you should flee from it. You don’t have to go any further. They don’t know their Bible. That is enough to know it’s wrong.


It’s New Age

Sorcery and divination practices are very old, but the New Age movement dresses them up to appeal to modern people. You can go and study New Age practices and start learning some of its lingo to recognize it. Google something like “warnings about New Age for Christians.” You might be shocked at what you learn and how much of it has crept into our faith walks. I’ve been guilty, too. It’s very sneaky. It always sounds so nice. But it’s humanism, always drawing people to be their own God, or to be the same as God.

One of the biggest lies of the New Age thinking is that our bodies are perfect, and if we just tap into our inner perfect-ness, we can be perfect. 

Our bodies are not perfect. They have not been perfect since Genesis chapter 3. Since sin entered the world, our bodies and DNA have been decaying. All of creation is degenerating. This is, of course, the opposite of evolution. This idea is also a central focus of humanism. New Age and humanism have very similar ideas.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made, for sure! As a nurse, I’ve seen and learned amazing things about our bodies! They display the glory of a Designer and Creator! 

But things now are not like they were in the Garden of Eden. Everything changed when Adam and Eve sinned. There is no physical “inner perfectness” to reveal or attain in this life. That is the hope of the resurrection and restoration of all things. It hasn’t happened yet. That’s the Last Great Day after Sukkot!

Also, when you see Scripture promising blessings of health and prosperity for keeping the commands, remember that many of those passages are for the whole of Israel gathered together in the Land, living under Torah rule. Read those passages in context. That is not the time we are in. We are in exile, being punished for the northern tribes’ sin of mixing pagan practices with the Torah.

We will die. We are mortal. The Father does not want us to suffer, but because of sin, we sometimes must suffer and, eventually, die. Praise Yah, we will not see the second death! See Hebrews 9:27, 1 Peter 5:10, Romans 5, John 16:33, Psalm 107:17-22.

Another point made recently by someone promoting this is that, supposedly, the pagans are always copying God’s good things, so if there are energy practices out there that are pagan, it’s because they were copying the one true energy system and healing touchpoints of God. But pagans didn’t copy everything from God and His people. The person who says this has forgotten that fallen angels were on earth interacting with humans. This is a strong possibility for where the pagans could have learned occult practices. See Genesis 6 and Genesis 11.

Occult practices were not learned from God. So, where did the pagans learn about spiritual energy and touchpoints? Which spirit taught it to them? See 1 Tim. 4:1.


Yes, there are miracles in the Bible.

Miracles were done by Yahweh and Yeshua when He chose, where He chose, how He chose, and through whom He chose. People paying money for miracles done on their terms is not the same as the miracles we see in the Bible. Yeshua didn’t do his miracles with books, classes, YouTube videos, step-by-step touchpoints, machines, etc. Sometimes, he didn’t even touch people! It’s not the same as Yeshua’s miracles at all.

If someone says, “We can all tap into the same power that Yeshua healed with,” run. That’s humanism. “We can all be gods.” See Ex. 20:3, Genesis 3:5.

My objection is not that God’s power is evil. Of course, it isn’t. My objection is that we aren’t allowed to tinker with it in this way.



Watch out for remote work.

When you start seeing remote work being done, you should be concerned that an occult practice is involved.

I saw one practitioner doing this by having a client send in a sample of urine, hair, or other organic material from their body. Then, the sample will be scanned at the office so the client can be diagnosed and treated. Later, that same practitioner changed what gets sent in. Instead of organic material, the client now has to write some answers and their signature on a piece of paper and mail it with a picture of him/herself to the office to be scanned by the machine and diagnosed. 

This is witchcraft! Research remote occult practices and where they come from. They don’t operate in the physical realm. 

Paul did some supernatural acts in Acts 19:11-20, but an incident does not create a precedent.

It’s also interesting that the method changed. I wonder if it was changed to be more palatable. That’s the whole purpose of Satan. He always wants to make sin palatable and attractive. See Genesis 3:5.


The energy is supernatural and mystical.

One of the big selling points of energy healing is that it supposedly works in the natural world. But it does not. It’s not electricity. It’s not sound waves. It’s not a vibration.

I recently watched a video of someone promoting the energy stuff, and they admitted that it’s not electricity at all. They called it an “energetic signature,” and that was the extent of the explanation. They acknowledged that it’s not what scientists are measuring at all. The machines are measuring something, yes, but they don’t know what it is. They can never fully explain it.

This isn’t operating in the physical realm. It’s operating in the supernatural realm. It’s off-limits.

That’s why they use weird, vague words like “frequency,” “telecommunication,” and “information.” And if you ask, “What kind of frequency?” or “What kind of information?” they have no further explanation. They don’t know. Even if they talk around and around, they never really can answer what it is. That’s because it’s spiritual.

Frequency is not a thing by itself. You can measure the frequency of something, like a sound wave, an electrical wave, or an ocean wave. Frequency is just a measurement of how fast waves are moving. You don’t just have “frequency.”

Our cells give off a small amount of electromagnetic energy, sure. However, measuring it is difficult and unreliable, at best. Hulda Clark was one of the founders of the modern version of frequency radionics and did extensive work in the field. In 2000, in her Syncrometer® Science Laboratory Manual, she wrote that several variables can affect your bandwidth, such as body temperature, eating, time of day, rainy weather, and feeling sick. (See Exp. 25 in her manual.) How can this be safe? How can you diagnose and treat with so many variables changing the results? With those kinds of variables, it’s doubtful it’s even real. Again, if a machine got it right, it got lucky, or the power came from a spirit. 

Using biofrequency to determine diagnoses and treatments is straight from New Age mysticism. Google it.

There are electromagnetic frequencies, yes. But that’s not what this is. Some vibration therapies can treat things in the natural physical realm, but that is also not what this is.

I know there are electrical currents in the body. As a paramedic and emergency room nurse, I used 360 joules of electrical energy to defibrillate the rhythm of dying people’s hearts! But in that case, the energy means something. It has an actual definition. And it works in the natural physical realm. I have a basic understanding of how calcium channels work with atomic-level chemistry in the membranes of nerve cells to move electrical impulses at lightning speed. It’s a miracle of creation how our nervous system works! I also love how the intrinsic node of my heart creates its own electric impulse, known as automaticity. Our bodies are amazing! This is why if someone has too much potassium (hyperkalemia), they can have a heart attack. Potassium levels affect the electrical function of the heart muscle. Potassium ions are how our electrical nervous system works. Chemistry makes electricity in our nerve cells, and it’s amazing!

All of that works in the natural physical realm. Animals’ bodies work similarly. Do you know what makes humans special? Our soul, our nefesh. The breath of life from our Creator makes us unique. We ought not to mess around with that. 

Side note: I fear we are building a modern-day tower of Babel. Man has always wanted to be like God. See Gen. 3:5. With today’s tools, computers, and machines, we can access and tinker with the supernatural like never before. At the same time, languages are no longer confused. We live in a dangerous time. Protect your home and your children from the modern-day towers of Babel. See Genesis 11.

Side, side note: I’ve been told that I’m fearful and biased because of my background as a nurse. I admit I may have a bias. We all have biases. That is part of why it’s taken me five years to speak out. I have doubted my point of view because of my bias. But I actually have a great appreciation for and participate in natural healing modalities. While I still have some appreciation for some aspects of mainstream healthcare, I have also been personally let down by it and have seen firsthand the harm and sin in many aspects of mainstream medicine. My bias may be there, but it’s small these days.

Even so, IF I have a bias about mainstream healthcare or natural healthcare, it doesn’t matter. This energy stuff is not natural health. It’s often offered alongside natural health services, but it’s different. Be discerning.


“But, the testing all lines up.”

Another selling point is that, supposedly, the energy system matches Biblical themes, like language, alphabets, numbers, names, and so on, so it must be from God. But those names, numbers, and correlations of them in this way are not from God. The use of numbers, words and machines in this way was invented by people. These are invented practices.

There is a lot of numerology behind these invented themes. The tricky thing with numerology is that if you do enough number gymnastics, you can find any correlation or pattern you want. This is why the Christian world loves looking for secret Bible codes and claims to find them. Lots of money has been made with numerology and Bible codes. The basic premise of a popular energy method is nothing more than a new “Bible code” wrapped in different lingo.

Let’s explore the numerology further. Here’s an example of how this is done:

  1. Use numbers from Hebrew letters.
  2. And if there aren’t enough letters, add some ending vowels to make it work. (This is not commanded in the Bible.)
  3. Use those numbers to assign a number to some other Bible words, like people’s names, portion names, name combinations, books of the Bible names, and so on. (This is not commanded in the Bible.)
  4. Assign numbers to a pagan stuff like touchpoints, channels, pathways, birth numbers, astrology, etc. (This is not commanded in the Bible.)
  5. Use a machine to find a correlation between the numbers of the Bible stuff and the pagan stuff. (This is not commanded in the Bible.)
  6. If the numbers don’t correlate the first time, do gymnastics with them, like adding them together, dividing by the number 7, trying a different set of Hebrew words, using a different language, setting one aside, and calling it “special,” renaming the touchpoints so they have new numbers, and on and on and on. (This is not commanded in the Bible.)
  7. If it still doesn’t correlate enough, try changing the settings on the machine so you measure it differently, or do number gymnastics with the frequency numbers and so on. (This is not commanded in the Bible.)
  8. Eventually, with enough trial and error, “Voila!” You invented a correlation between the Bible and pagan practices, so you think you can call your new thing “Biblical.” (This is not commanded in the Bible.)
  9. You can even say your system is “tested” and “verified,” and maybe even “re-discovered,” or “from the Holy Spirit.” (This is not commanded in the Bible.)
  10. And to really convince people that it’s from the Bible, add a hypothetical story about those letters and a Bible character to explain how the whole thing became hidden so that you can “discover” it again, just like God wanted you to, and then charge money for it. (This is not commanded in the Bible.)

You can find any “correlation” you want if you search long and hard enough. I will say that again: If you search long and hard enough, you can find anything.

Test results can be made to say whatever you want them to say. This happens in mainstream science all the time. 


I’ll choose a tourniquet, thank you.

Some energy practices promote supposed “life-saving” measures involving specific placement of hands for energy manipulation, such as for hemorrhage/severe bleeding, stroke, and so on.

I’ll use a tourniquet for hemorrhage instead, thank you. Click here to buy a great tourniquet. (That’s an affiliate link for Refuge Medical because their tourniquets help people in more ways than one.)

I’ll also be applying pressure with my hands to the wound to stop the bleeding.

And no doubt, I’ll be praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the entire time I’m applying that tourniquet. I will pray for the legitimate power of the Great Physician, according to His will. He hears me. And then He decides if He will heal. I will do my best with a tourniquet, but I will not force my will by manipulating Yahweh’s power with mystical energy touchpoints. See Matt. 6:6, 1 John 5:14.


It‘s not laying on of hands.

If an energy modality is being promoted as if it’s the same as laying on of hands from the Bible, run. Many energy practices involve placing your hands on yourself or someone else in specific places on the body to heal different ailments.

Watch for manipulative questions like this: “Don’t you think this is what Yeshua was doing?” “Don’t you think this is what the apostles were doing?” “Aren’t we supposed to be like them?”

No, that’s not what he was doing because the Scriptures don’t tell us so! Even the laying on of hands by the elders is never described in this way. Never! People were healed by Yeshua in many ways because His power wasn’t obtained through physical methods. Sometimes, He wasn’t even there! Yeshua can even heal remotely. 

Of course, I believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but it is not commanded in Scripture to exercise the healing gift in this way! Scripture is the authority. Don’t be swayed by questions that start with, “Don’t you think….?,” “What if..?,” “Could it be that…?”

Also, be careful who you allow to lay hands on you and your family. Not everyone should be laying their hands on you or your children, especially if you don’t know them and where they are spiritually. Being “nice” is too low of a bar for letting someone touch you this way. There is a supernatural force in it. It can be for good, such as elders praying for someone, but it can also involve evil. Which spirit are they laying on you? See 1 Tim. 5:22, 1 Tim. 4. Also beware of chains of people laying on hands. Do you know the spiritual condition of everyone in that chain? Protect yourself and your family. Research evil spirits being transferred by laying on of hands.

Side note: I’ve seen a touchpoint energy system pitch that implies that it’s the same as laying on of hands from Scripture. Question: Can you imagine if someone came to elders asking for prayer and to have them lay hands on, and they asked for their credit card first? 


You don’t have to dig deeper to know it’s wrong.

I’ve heard this argument a few times, “You cannot have an opinion against it until you have purchased and read an entire book, watched hours of videos, and even met with practitioners who do this and had sessions with them to try it out yourself.” 

Yes, I can have an interpretation of Scripture that reveals this is wrong without all that. Watching even one video about it is enough to see it goes against Scripture. Why would I want or need to keep going deeper into it? If an hour of someone stating why it’s okay according to Scripture proves all their points actually go against Scripture, what else is needed to explore? See Deut. 12:29-32.

For the record, I have watched dozens of hours of videos from people teaching this. I didn’t need to. The first video I came across went against Scripture. You don’t need to watch hours of videos, either.

If a proponent of this spends a great deal of “air time” defending the practice as not being occult and that you just have to try it to change your mind, that should raise enormous red flags. 

They want you to go deeper because the deeper you go, the more you can be deceived because it sounds so nice. You’ll be impressed with a big book with lots of technical-sounding lingo, you might be intrigued and curious, and ultimately, you may be “helped” by it. Then, you’re hooked.

But that “help” may come at a high price. Did you know that people afflicted by evil spirits often have physical ailments? The very thing helping you with one ailment may be causing another, making you have to go back repeatedly. It’s a vicious trap that’s hard to escape. If you have mysterious symptoms and you’re involved in the occult (even if it’s well-intentioned), you should consider that an evil spirit may be afflicting you. 

We underestimate spiritual warfare. See Mark 9:20, Job, Mark 5, and more.


It fails every test.

Energy healing and the like fail every honest Scriptural test.

They also fail any fruit test. If someone had the solution to every ailment, how could they put it behind a paywall? Of course, a worker is worth his wages, but if it is real and from the Bible and God, it doesn’t belong to any man or woman. Selling it for money would be more morally offensive than a pharmaceutical company withholding the cure for cancer! It should be given away freely, and if it actually worked, that person would be well supported, I’m sure. 

That is the only fruit test I will examine, although there are more fruit tests. See Matthew 7:15-20 (noticing the word for “fruit” includes the fruit of the loins, one’s children, and household), 1 John 4:1, Gal. 5, James 3:17, Is 8:20, Deut. 13:1, Jer. 23:16, Ez. 13:9, Rom. 16:17-18, and on and on.

These practices also fail any kind of Spirit test simply because they failed the Scripture test. The Holy Spirit never contradicts Scripture. Only the Scripture test is objective. It trumps all other tests.


Phrases that are red flags

Watch out for these red flags. They are phrases that sound nice, but if the whole thing doesn’t line up with Scripture, it’s still wrong. These are not exact quotes but paraphrases.

Red flag manipulative phrases that you might hear variations of:

“Minister.” The word “minister” is used in sales pages for classes of a popular method, probably because the method is branded as being Bible-based. So, then, I would assume only mature believers who demonstrate good fruit are allowed to pay the expensive course fee to become practitioners of the system. If the class is to train someone to minister spiritually with Biblical, spiritual energy, then surely they interview applicants and reject anyone’s money or participation in the course who doesn’t meet the standard of a mature believer who can rightly handle powerful spiritual energy. And if they really are becoming an energy minister, they should also meet the vigorous fruit checks in 1 Tim. 3 and Titus 1. I assume they carefully screen course applicants before they pay hundreds or thousands of dollars. Otherwise, you could have all kinds of non or weak believers who are deeply into occult energy practices masquerading in their communities with a Biblical copy of the same thing, doing it in the name of God and claiming to have the power of Yeshua (because that’s the sales pitch). See 1 John 2:19, Matthew 24:24, Acts 8:9-24.


“People reject this because they are weak with fear.” Fearing Yahweh and the curses of disobedience is not weakness. It’s walking uprightly. We should fear dabbling in the occult. Fear is a manipulative word.

“If you have faith, you’ll go along with it.” That is unfair and manipulative.

“This is from the Holy Spirit, so if you deny what I’m saying, you’re blaspheming the Holy Spirit.” Seriously? It fails the Scripture test, which means it fails the Holy Spirit test. Be leery of people throwing around accusations of “blaspheming the Holy Spirit” against those who disagree. Condemnation is above their pay grade. By saying that people who disagree with them are blaspheming the Spirit, they are telling you that if you don’t join in, you’re going to Hell. That will get you on board. Ouch.

“God made it, so it’s okay and good for us to do.” No, no, no.

“All mainstream medicine is evil, but this is from God.” No, not ALL mainstream medicine is evil. Some is, but some is not. This is a manipulation technique to make you HAVE to go to the mystical world of energy healing. Try natural health. Lots of natural health is fine. In some cases, you may need to use some aspects of mainstream medicine with caution. 

“If you go to a mainstream doctor instead of using my system, you’re putting your faith in Satan.” That is a manipulative lie.

“God revealed it only to me, and it will only cost you money.” Sigh.

“I’m an expert, so you should trust me.” No, you aren’t an expert. I don’t trust experts, anyway. I think we all learned that lesson during Covid.

“You use a cell phone, so why wouldn’t you use this?” A cell phone works in the physical world with binary code of 1’s and 0’s. It’s totally different. Watch out for them throwing around familiar words to make you comfortable. It’s manipulation.

“It’s just like a lie detector test; the body knows things, and the machine picks it up because it’s electromagnetic.” No. A polygraph measures physiological factors. These include heart rate, perspiration, blood pressure, respiration, and skin conductivity (the galvanic skin or electrodermal response). When people are under stress, they sweat, and the salty sweat interrupts the conduction measurements. It is determined by applying a small current. They don’t measure a current coming from the body but are measuring the current the tester applies to the body. Polygraphs do not measure electromagnetic frequency. It’s completely different. These misleading statements make you feel comfortable by mentioning something familiar to you. Also, research the moral debate of convicting someone based on the questionable accuracy of polygraph machines, especially regarding measuring conductivity. Some examiners don’t even use that factor. They will only measure the other physiological signs.

“Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Just because you get rid of pagan stuff doesn’t mean you have to get rid of this.” We get rid of pagan stuff that is used in worship or to replace Yahweh. This energy power replaces Yahweh. I don’t think some people understand where and why we choose to draw certain pagan lines. It’s twisting Torah. Comparing pagan occult practices to physical intimacy between a man and a woman doesn’t make sense. And yes, I’ve seen that comparison made. 

“The pagan ways of using energy healing are all counterfeits of God’s energy healing system, which I just re-discovered.” The word “counterfeits” is thrown around a lot. They are all the same pagan thing. None of this is from Yahweh.

“You can’t make this stuff up.” Actually, you can. An “impossible coincidence” of results can be entirely made up. You can make this stuff up. 

“It works in Hebrew and English, so it must be true!” Well, what about the rest of the world? If it’s from God, it’s for everyone, right?

“The more people who work on someone, it’s exponentially better.” Ew.

“We have a new name for this procedure. Now, we call it this…” It’s a red flag when they change the names of things or start calling it something different. They may also remove or try to hide old videos, as well, so you never notice they started calling it something more palatable and comfortable. Sometimes, they change the procedure, too. 

“How could that work?…” Just because they don’t understand how something in the body functions doesn’t mean it must be due to this mystical energy. Such as, “How could the heart pull blood up from the feet? They say it’s a pump, but how could that be true?” That person doesn’t know about valves inside of veins. Be careful with questions that lead you to say, “Oh, yes, your thing must be the answer. Everyone else is lying.” Dig deeper. Or walk away.

“But so many good people do it. It must be okay.” No. Truth is not determined by the majority on a wide path. Walk the narrow path. There are more people against this than you realize.

Finally, watch out for technical, complicated, smart-sounding jargon you don’t understand. I’ve already heard from people, “I don’t understand everything in the book. It’s over my head.” Well, if you don’t understand it but can see that the pagans are doing the same practice, why would you do it? If you don’t understand the technical aspects of what you’re involved in, then you don’t know for sure that it is truly different from the identical-looking practice of the occult. And if you can’t be sure, why would you risk it? You shouldn’t just trust someone with this. It’s a big deal. No matter how nice they are, how smart they sound, or how many Bible-ish words are thrown around, you should stay away if you don’t fully and completely understand every detail of the technical stuff. Those are the details they claim make it Biblical. So those are the details you need to verify. Sorcery is not permitted in the Torah.

When any teacher says something like, “I’ve discovered something Biblical that no one else has ever known before!” he should be open to intense scrutiny of his new teaching. And we should all examine it in depth. But if it’s based on “correlations,” and it looks and smells just like pagan occult practices, and no one can even understand the entire teaching, your “false doctrine” radar should be going off big time!

A final red flag is to notice that if the teacher’s pitch involves:

  1. Mocking those who disagree (and getting others to mockingly laugh at people who disagree.)
  2. If the mocking doesn’t work, accuse them of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.




I could say so much more, but I’m so tired of it after looking at it so intensely. My heart is weary of the darkness surrounding it, and after I post this, I will try to leave it all alone. I hope it doesn’t cause a stir, but I know it may. I pray that it stirs people to look more closely at these New Age but ancient occult practices and to walk away from them. Getting the community a little stirred up to abandon these practices would be good, albeit a little painful, for a while. Please cover me and this message in prayer. I prefer shalom for all of us.

But unity and shalom are not my most important goals in this life. Worshipping Yahweh according to His instructions and lifting up the name of Yeshua are what I want more than anything. Their glory is being stolen with systems that claim to be able to attain and use the power of Yeshua on demand with occult practices. This is the spirit of the antichrist.

I know you may have questions or rebuttals. I’ll read your emails. I am aware this wasn’t a complete study on it. There are many other fuller studies out there online. Look for them. I don’t have time right now. Even if you present an argument I didn’t address here, that doesn’t make you right.

I’m not here to win a debate. This is way bigger than debate class skills and research skills from 11th grade. This is life and death, curses and blessings. This is recognizing the spirit of the antichrist and having the oil in our lamps, and being a clean bride when our bridegroom returns.

This is also about being content in all circumstances, even if we don’t get physical healing in this lifetime.


Important Encouragement for You

I’m so aware that at the heart of this discussion are hurting people seeking relief. Your eternal life (if you are born again) will be so much better than this life. Your suffering here is temporary. He loves you. He sees your suffering. Keep crying out to Him and pursue healing through Biblically sound methods. And through your suffering, praise Him. Read the entire Bible. Start at the beginning.

Finally, if you are suffering, please watch this two-minute video to encourage you. I wrote this and turned it into this video in early 2023 for the Torah Sisters Retreat. It’s very appropriate for this message. I pray it helps you.