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Who’s behind this website?


About this website

Update January 6, 2025

I set up this website in recent weeks to create a health place for Torah keepers, and I will likely still pursue that in the future. For now, though, I believe the Spirit is telling me to use it to speak up about occult practices in the Torah Community.

This website just started, so Amy Kay Guenther, R.N., is creating the content. She may share videos or links to other Torah keepers speaking about related topics.

Please know that if Amy posts a video from someone, links to a blog post, or quotes someone, it just means she likely agrees with that one post, video, or quote. It doesn’t mean she agrees with everything that person believes or teaches. A mention is not an endorsement.


The health and medical information on this website is not intended to take the place of advice or treatment from healthcare professionals. It is also not intended to substitute for the users’ relationships with their own health care/pharmaceutical providers. Amy is a nurse, but she’s not your nurse. You are unique, and just because something is presented here as good or helpful, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you. When it comes to Bible stuff, test everything

Amy Kay Guenther, R.N.


Amy Kay Guenther started this website to create a place to express Torah-based views of health and wellness topics. Topics will include natural health & wellness, weight loss, navigating mainstream medicine, Biblical views on new-age practices, and more.

About Amy

You know Amy from Torah Sisters Magazine. She keeps Torah Sisters shalomy and full of encouragement for women, so she started this second website for this other focus of health.

Amy is a registered nurse who lives in Michigan with her three children. She’s homeschooling two of them, and the oldest has graduated and is studying to be a naturopathic doctor.

Amy’s Experience

Her nurse experience includes teaching CPR, lifeguarding, EMT/paramedic, emergency room nursing, and Risk Management and Quality Improvement. She had to leave her job at the local hospital during the “Great Resignation” of Fall 2021 and has since been running Torah Sisters Magazine full-time from home.

Amy’s Beliefs

Some of her weighty matter beliefs include:

  • Yeshua is the Messiah who came in the flesh.
  • We are saved by grace through faith, not by works.
  • Saved people do good works.
  • The works that saved people do should inlude all of the commands found in Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. This means believers should do as much Torah as we can in our exile.
  • There is one law for Jews and those grafted in.
  • We are grafted into Israel. Believers are part of Israel, whether they are aware of it or not. We aren’t Israel by blood. We have not replaced the Jewish people, who are precious to the Father.
  • Commands for Israel in the Bible are for believers.
  • Amy doesn’t practice Judaism—just Bible.
  • Amy doesn’t think we can know for sure how to pronounce Bible names. She primarily uses Yeshua for Jesus and Yahweh, Yah or Yehovah for the Creator.